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Advice, News & Know-how

Charity insurance

Here's where we lift the lid on insurance and explain it all simply.

There's essential help with how best to protect your business or not-for-profit. Plus, useful advice on running your organisation and life as a freelancer.

Why sports clubs need public liability insurance

Public liability insurance for sports clubs puts your club in a winning position by protecting it from compensation claims. Here's how.

How cyber insurance can help charities combat cybercrime

Over a quarter of charities reported a cyber-attack last year. Find out how charity cyber insurance can help in the fight against cybercrime.

Why charities need employers’ liability insurance

If your charity has staff, volunteers, or both, find out why employers' liability insurance for charities is a must-have.

Do charities need professional indemnity insurance?

Do charities need protection from being sued? It depends what you do. Find out if you need professional indemnity insurance for charities.

How can charities bridge the funding gap during coronavirus?

Charities are more in demand than ever as we battle the coronavirus pandemic. But funding has been hit hard. Here's how to plug the gaps.

Are small charities sleepwalking into a governance and risk management crisis?

Could hard-pressed small charities be sleepwalking into a risk management and governance crisis? Read what our UK-wide survey revealed.

Charities’ and trustees’ insurance

Do you need charities' and trustees' insurance? Considering you could be personally liable if you're accused of doing something wrong, we'd say yes.

D&O insurance: why you need it

We dug around and found some examples of claims against directors and their companies. Better hope these directors had D&O insurance.