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IT contractors

Who needs cyber insurance?

Want to find out who needs cyber insurance, what it does, and why you need it? Here's the lowdown on everything cyber.

Is short-term professional indemnity insurance worth it?

Can you get away with short-term professional indemnity insurance? Not if you want to sleep easy. It's cheaper but it's much riskier...

Professional indemnity quotes: what to look out for

It’s tempting, but try not to go straight for the cheapest professional indemnity quotes. Here's what to consider first.

The small business insurance industry needs a shake up, starting with professional indemnity insurance

We found a huge number of UK small businesses are uninsured and that renaming professional indemnity insurance could mean better protection.

Is it worth going into IT contracting? Or better to stay employed?

If you're thinking of jacking in your perm job and going into IT contracting, there's plenty of demand. But is IT contracting worth it?

What insurance do IT contractors need?

You may be careful, but things can go wrong. IT contractors insurance requirements include professional indemnity, public liability and employers' liability

Putting your insurance on hold as an IT contractor

IT contractors taking a break from work, don't cancel your professional indemnity insurance. Stay protected. Put it on hold instead. Here's why:

How long hours and stress are the cue to quit for IT pros

1 in 6 IT pros are considering quitting due to the impact of long working hours. Here's why - and what you can do about it.

IT Contractor Q&A: Tom Pettigrew

Tom Pettigrew discusses life as an IT contractor. Running your own IT business has its rewards and challenges. Get Tom's lowdown here.

Cyber insurance for IT industry

Even IT businesses are vulnerable to cybercrime. Cyber insurance for IT could help avoid things going horribly wrong in the event of an attack.

What does an insurance broker do?

Insurance can be a bit of a minefield, right? What does an insurance broker actually do? Turns out, some pretty great stuff.

Disastrous disaster recovery

It’s probably stating the obvious to say that disaster recovery solutions are a vital part of keeping your business afloat if things go wrong. Here's why.