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Advice, News & Know-how

Here's where we lift the lid on insurance and explain it all simply.

There's essential help with how best to protect your business or not-for-profit. Plus, useful advice on running your organisation and life as a freelancer.

What are costs inclusive and costs in addition?

If your professional indemnity insurance is 'costs in addition', it pays legal and other costs in a different way to a 'costs inclusive' policy. Here's how.

Intellectual property rights: what you need to know

Not all breaches of intellectual property rights are covered by professional indemnity insurance. Here's how to avoid a claim, and protect your own work.

Self-assessment tax returns for beginners

The deadline for completing your self-assessment tax return online is 31 January. Here's our guide to what it is, and who needs to complete one.

First aid requirements and employers’ liability insurance

You have employees. You have first aid requirements. You have employers' liability insurance. How do they fit together? Find out here.

US contracts and professional indemnity insurance

Not all professional indemnity insurance policies cover US and Canadian contracts. Here's our advice for making sure you don't get caught out.

Thinking of freelancing?

Today is the most popular day of the year for people considering revamping their career. Thinking of freelancing? Read this first...

Why short-term insurance can be a bad idea in the long run

The problem with short-term insurance policies is that they can leave you high and dry when you need them most. Here's the how and why.

What do in the aggregate and any one claim mean?

In the aggregate or any one claim? What difference does it make to your insurance and why are we going on about it? Find the answers here.

How to use stock images safely

Blogger? Graphic designer? Web designer? Image user? Make sure you get the right licence or risk a hefty fine. Here's how to use stock images safely.

Top 6 business insurance questions

Struggling to get to grips with business insurance? You're not the only one. Here are six questions we're asked often – and their answers.

How professional indemnity claims work

How long does the professional indemnity claims process take? What happens? Who do I talk to? Here's all you need to know.

Insurance jargon explained

Business insurance jargon is everywhere and makes understanding your cover more complicated than it need be. Here's some help with translating the words.