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Marketing and advertising

Our favourite small business resources

Need a helping hand? Here's our guide to the best small business resources. Legal, financial, and general business advice at your fingertips.

Cyber insurance for marketing agencies: case study

How cyber insurance for marketing agencies provided business-saving support after an embarrassing data breach.

Who needs cyber insurance?

Want to find out who needs cyber insurance, what it does, and why you need it? Here's the lowdown on everything cyber.

Risk management for marketing consultants

Read our risk management for marketing consultants guide and make sure your business name is in the spotlight for all the right reasons.

6 things you should know about influencer advertising

Influencer advertising is a modern marketing favourite. But staying on the right side of the law can be tricky. Here’s what you need to know.

Is short-term professional indemnity insurance worth it?

Can you get away with short-term professional indemnity insurance? Not if you want to sleep easy. It's cheaper but it's much riskier...

Professional indemnity quotes: what to look out for

It’s tempting, but try not to go straight for the cheapest professional indemnity quotes. Here's what to consider first.

Cyber insurance for recruitment agencies

What's the cost of a cyber-attack? Here's how one recruitment consultant found out the hard way. And how her cyber insurance paid the bill.

GDPR for small businesses: what it means for you

We look at GDPR for small businesses: your responsibilities, the new rules on handling data, and what happens if you don't comply.

New data protection regulation: in with GDPR, out with the Data Protection Act

GDPR, or the General Data Protection Regulation, comes into effect in May 2018 and your business needs to be ready. Find out why

Claims advice for copywriters

We spent the day at the Professional Copywriter's Network conference and discovered copywriters want to know about PI claims. Cue some sobering stories...

What does an insurance broker do?

Insurance can be a bit of a minefield, right? What does an insurance broker actually do? Turns out, some pretty great stuff.