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Rules and regulations

Why Amazon sellers need insurance

If you sell on Amazon UK or US and things go wrong, it's you in the firing line - not the platform. It's why Amazon sellers need insurance.

First aid requirements and employers’ liability insurance

You have employees. You have first aid requirements. You have employers' liability insurance. How do they fit together? Find out here.

Trustee insurance and why you need it

Helping to run and make decisions about a charity? Then you need trustee insurance, for the sake of your bank balance. Here's why.

What charity insurance should you get?

Wondering why it's important to get the right charity insurance? Confused by what it does and how it can help? Here's all you need to know.

Do I need terms and conditions?

Not sure if your business needs to have terms and conditions? Here's a run down of the who's, what's, where's, and how's of Ts & CS.

Help, guidance, and advice for charities

Directory of free help, guidance, and advice for charities & not-for-profits in areas like fundraising, governance, GDPR, volunteers, and H&S.

Insurance for environmental consultants explained

What insurance do environmental consultants need? Well, might as well start with professional indemnity. Here's why.

Does cyber insurance cover GDPR?

GDPR sets the rules for protecting your clients' data. So why would you need cyber insurance? Our blog on GDPR and cyber insurance explains.

The average cost of a data breach for a small business

Find out how much a data breach can cost small businesses. (Spoiler: a lot.) Plus, what you can do to protect yourself against cyber-attacks.

Do you need a licence to give Botox injections?

Do you need a licence to give Botox injections or dermal fillers in the UK? Or might you in the future? Get the latest regulations updates.

Do I need employers’ liability insurance for work experience students?

The wellbeing of your workforce is your responsibility. Here's why you need employers' liability insurance for work experience students.

Risk management for PR professionals

No such thing as bad publicity? Hmm. Here's some PR risk management tips to help keep you on the right side of your clients.